Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Maxie Rose!

Max is Four!, originally uploaded by wissahicks.

Maxie turned four on Thursday and what a week! Lots of celebrating with family, friends, cake, candles,ice cream, costumes, quilts, painting, hiking,classes and just loads of fun had by all, but especially the birthday girl! Happy birthday,Big Girl! We Love You!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

HAPPY 2010!!!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous start to this new decade. And yes, WissahicksAtHome are still here (no, we're not on a permanent ice-fishing expidition, as the photo above seems to alude to;) and 2010 has been a blast so far! Maxie Rose is now FOUR (more on that to come)!!! You can check out all the birthday and home schooling fun on our Twitter page lately, (and my newest favorite thing- twitgoo;) so check out our latest pics/posts there...!

(And you can follow us on Twitter via our sidebar buttons.)


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