Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Look What Flew Over From Across The Pond!

All the way from this tree in Stroud, to be exact. A lovely package full of goodies from dear Simmy & Family at Echoes of a Dream.

As you can see, the girls couldn't have been more pleased with their little owlets, not to mention the 3 bags of yummy British sweets, which were immediately consumed whilst reading their new favorite book: Milly-Molly-Mandy Stories (Frankie's new favorite book , of course, since it features a little English girls in a quaint little village who is the only child in a household of very doting elderly relatives ;)

And there was more: Three beautiful and perfect English beach pebbles, some lovely paper flower bouquets, and some very British stamps (guess whose face was on them?) And there was even a little something in there for Mama, as well :) Some very beautiful home-dyed yarn in my most favorite shade of green. If this doesn't get me knitting, I don't know what will! Oh, and no need to be 'green' with envy, either. You can get your very own personal stash of green gold here.

Thank you, SO MUCH, Simmy for our fabulous package!

We can't wait to meet you guys and thank you in person!

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